I am Loader!


There are many ways to reach Carlo Donà:

1 – arriving to p.le Roma by car, take the 4.1 line or the 3 line for Murano then get off at the Venier stop;
2 – arriving by train to the S. Lucia railway take the 4.1 line or the 3 line for Murano then get off to the Venier stop;
3 – arriving to Tessera by car or by air take the Alilaguna for Murano then get off at the Museo stop or at the Colonna stop and follow the map above.

Entrance of Carlo Donà

Carlo Donà di Roberto Donà
calle Barovier, 7 – 30141 –  Murano Venezia IT Italia
phone: +39 041 739257 – e-mail: carlodona@carlodona.com 
P.IVA 02950600276 – C.F. DNORRT63B08736C

@Copyright Carlo Donà - 2020 Facebook Istagram YouTube
calle Barovier, 7 30141 Murano IT - phone:+39 041 739257 - e-mail:carlodona@carlodona.com - P.IVA 02950600276 - C.F. DNORRT63B08L736C